Women's BB Championship Stop
Saturday, May 31st
- There’s a 10% increase to the point cap, series points, & prize points earned for the championship stop!
2025 Women's BB Series - Spring
Each full-level stop is worth 100 points + 1 point for each team playing that day.
Half-level stops are worth 100 points + 1 point for every 2 teams playing that day.
Winner of each stop earns the full value of that stop.
Each place below first earns that stop’s value minus their place times 2 for full-levels, and times 4 for half-levels.
Ex: a 12 team full-level tournament is worth 112 series points for the winner, 108 for 2nd, 106 for 3rd, 102 for 5th, etc.
Ex: a 12 team half-level tournament is worth 106 series points for the winner, 98 for 2nd, 94 for 3rd, 86 for 5th, etc.
The Championship Stop is worth an extra 10%.
Your Best 3 results count towards your series ranking.
Tie-breakers will be decided by including additional finishes beyond your best 3.
Extra Prizes for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd overall in the series + the Championship Stop Winners.
- Series Champion-only gear
- Series Winners earn Free Entries into the next tier
- Series Prize Point Bounty (Based on the # of teams in the series)
- Estimate: ~20,000+ prize points
** Max Teams is subject to change, depending on the number of teams signing up for each division on the same date.
AKA: Sign up early if you want to ensure you're in. :)