Coed BYO 3's (HFF)

Saturday, May 3rd
4:30 pm
Don't Be Late!
Player Meeting
4:40 pm
Max Teams
Team Point Cap
Entry Fee
$30 per player
  • Hands are allowed to be used with no fault called for doubles or lifts so long as the ball stays on your team’s side of the net.
  • If the ball is sent over using hands, it will be judged as a set by 2’s rules (doubles, lifts, and squareness called).
  • Block does not count as one of the 3 touches.
  • Tips and open hand dinks are not allowed.
  • This division is designed for intermediate and recreational beach players.
  • 1 guy, 1 girl minimum
  • Played on a Men’s Height Net
  • Upper/Lower playoff brackets
  • Done by 11pm

** Max Teams is subject to change, depending on the number of teams signing up for each division on the same date.

AKA: Sign up early if you want to ensure you're in. :)