Men's 2's B/BB & Lower Sideout Ladder League
March 14th — April 4th
Game Times
(Yes, we start on time. Get there early if you can!)
Court #5
- - E. Nat 20 - Josh White / Garrett Gooden (312)
- - I. J^2 - Josh Salazar / Jose Solchaga (340)
- - F. Sansano / Holtmeyer - Jeff Sansano / Eric Holtmeyer (292)
- - D. Boyz - Nic Barradas / Marcus Mauer (327)
Court #4
- - H. Ball Don’t Lie - Kyle Tuten / Ben Shadburne (300)
- - B. Its A Set Up - Nic Phillips / Bobby Flores (224)
- - J. Young / Choi - Adam Young / Stephen Choi (262)
- - A. Goktas / Cooper - Ahmet Goktas / Austin Cooper (229)
Court #3
- - C. Browney - Jacob Brown / Joe Briney (243)
- - G. Finding the Line - Nathan Martinez / Carlton McConnell (208)
- - K. Oldies and Not Goodies - Dan Scholten / Matthew Helbig (205)
- - L. New Kids on the Block - Berto Loar / Austin Good (190)
Top Team on each court serves last.
- S3 - Serves last
- S2 - Serves 2nd
- S1 - Serves 1st
- R1 - Receives 1st
Why is my team marked as "pending"?
What should I pack?
How do I update my registration?
Late Policy
Refund Policy
** Max Teams is subject to change, depending on the number of teams signing up for each division on the same date/timeslot. Some formats also only work with certain multiples of teams.
AKA: Sign up early if you want to ensure you're in. :)